17 January 2018

Meeting minutes for January 2018

Meeting minutes for Wednesday, 17 January 2018
In attendance: Jeff, Barbara, Bob, Gina, Struan, Kara (via Skype), Brendan

Welcome and Introductions


Our annual Write for Rights event was held on 20 December 2017.

  • Our work included 8 appeals, 53 cards, 1 tweet (on behalf of Ni Yulan), and 1 post (freeistanbul10.tumblr.com).
  • Prachi Rao, our new field prganizer, was unable to attend this event but has promised to come to one of our monthly meetings.

AIUSA now allows local groups to submit their meeting information to the AIUSA events page at https://www.amnestyusa.org/take-action/events/. Barbara listed our January meeting (with photo) and will list us each month.

The AIUSA Annual General Meeting will be held 23–25 February 2018 in Bethesda, MD. 

  • Information is at https://www.amnestyusa.org/take-action/events/amnesty-internationals-2018-annual-general-meeting/
  • Jeff, Bob, and Barbara have registered to attend.


Urgent Action Victory! Missing Bangladeshi Academic Returned Home (Bangladesh: UA 252.17)


Death penalty news (Brendan): The new district attorney of Philadelphia, Larry Krasner, has pledged to end Philadelphia's use of the death penalty. 

“5-minute university”: At our February meeting Barbara will do a short presentation about some of the groups that AI has defended.

  • Indigenous Community Forcibly Evicted (Kenya, UA 6.18)
  • Attack against Indigenous Defender Patricia Gualinga (Ecuador, UA 8.18)
  • 529 Patients Are Still Awaiting Medical Evacuation in Eastern Ghouta (Syria, UA 275.17)

Next meeting: Wednesday, 21 February 2018, 7:30 p.m., Wegmans cafe in Malvern

1 comment:

  1. Thx for the minutes. I have done 6.18 and 8.18, and I will do 275.17 today. Most likely I will see some of you at the AGM. Bethesda is bicycling distance from where I live now.


Certificate for participation in 2024 Write for Rights

Thanks to everyone who wrote letters for this year's Write for Rights. Barbara reported Group 342's participation to AIUSA, and they...