16 January 2019

Minutes for January 2019

Meeting minutes for Wednesday, 16 January 2019
In attendance: Struan, Tilo, Jeff, Bob, and Barbara

Welcome and Introductions

Write for Rights

Campaign concludes at the end of January. Barbara will report the number of actions and personal messages sent. Our group sent a total of 11 appeal letters and 64 messages of support.

New Case File: Fomusoh Ivo Feh

Jeff described our new case file and distributed copies of the dossier for Fomusoh Ivo Feh, originally arrested in Cameroon on 13 December 2014 after sharing a sarcastic SMS message about the difficulties of getting into university in his country. He was 25 years of age at the time. Ivo and his two friends Afuh Nivelle Nfor and Azah Leis Gob (the recipients of the SMS message) were all detained at a police station in Douala, then at the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance in Yaoundé. They were tried in what AI considers unfair proceedings. Ivo has been held incommunicado at times. If convicted, the three could face between 10 and 20 years in prison.

The primary goal of our advocacy work is to obtain the immediate and unconditional release of Fomusho Ivo Feh and his two friends. Pending their release, Cameroon authorities must ensure that they are held in humane conditions and are not subjected to torture or other ill treatment and that they have regular access to family and legal counsel. The case dossier includes strategies for advocating for Feh and his companions. Our February meeting will be devoted to planning work on this case. Jeff will distribute copies of the dossier.


  • Toffiq al-Bihani, Guantánamo detainee, cleared five years ago but still detained - AIUSA action in conjunction with 17th anniversary of Guantánamo Bay Prison
  • Ali Mohamed al-Showaikh (Bahrain): UA 209.18
  • Mehman Huseynon (Azerbaijan): UA 168.12

Next meeting: Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 7:30 p.m., Wegmans cafe in Malvern

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Certificate for participation in 2024 Write for Rights

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